Monday, June 24, 2024

Life of a Revolutionary - The Story of Franco Freda


Who is FRANCO FREDA? (A brief profile of one of the most valuable thinkers and authors of the post-war Italian Far-right)



Of Irpinian origins, Franco Freda was born in Padua, on February 11, 1941. Attentive to politics since high school, he presided over the “Saint Mark” FUAN  (The Italian Social Movement’s University students organization),later rendering it autonomous from that party - which he considered not ‘in order’

After graduating in Law, he presented to Professor Enrico Opocher a dissertation titled “Plato: State according to Justice”.

In 1963 he formed the Ar Group. The aforementioned fellowship catched the news’ eyes by promoting a pamphlet that summarized some revisionist theories on the “Holocaust” and pushed the communist senator Terracini to formulate a question addressed to the Interior and Justice Ministers

(where he mentioned “a foul antisemitic booklet” and asked what measures had been taken to “cauterize the fetid and purulent wound before it broadens its sphere of action“)

Also in 1963, Freda founded the Ar Editions, which opened their catalog with Arthur de Gobineau’s Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races. In 1969, he published “The disintegration of the system”, a notorious contrast writing of his.

The Ar Editions – the catalog of which gathers hundreds of titles and nowadays branches into twenty series – bring together the classics of Anti-Humanistic, Anti-Democratic, Anti-modern thought, from de Gobineau, to Nietzsche, Spengler, Evola.

Towards the end of the 1970’s, during his imprisonment, Freda inaugurated the ‘Paganitas’ series, which includes the most significant voices of non-Christianity, from Celsus (the first Italian translation of the True Word is published in 1978 and is edited by him),to Emperor Julian, to Porphyry, to Pitagoras, up to contemporary authors.

From 1971, the judiciary trial for the Piazza Fontana massacre saw the Editor among the main defendants, up until 1987, when the Court of Cassation established his non-responsibility for the massacre, confirming the two acquittal appeal sentences of Catanzaro and Bari.

In 1982, he was definitely sentenced to fifteen years of jail for subversive association.

In 1989, he founded the Political-Cultural movement “National Front” and published “The Anti Bancor” (a periodical journal of economic and financial studies) along with numerous volumes dedicated to the racial question tied to the migratory problems.

The National Front expressed its prescient apprehension facing the monstrosities of the design of a multiethnic society and the inhumanity of globalization. It proposed itself as a school, more than anything else, as a place for political education. But some judges believed Freda’s words to be seditious and harmful (“ontologically criminal?” asked his defender, the lawyer Carlo Taormina, astounded,  to the Court) – and mocked his prediction of racial conflicts.

Freda was sentenced to three years of jail and the National Front was disbanded by the cabinet, in 2000, on the basis given by the Mancino-Modigliani law against the founding of discriminatory organizations.

In 2004, Freda gave birth to a new Ar series, which hosts Friedrich Nietzsche’s texts with the original German parallel, beginning with “The Antichrist”.

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