Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Sunday, March 2, 2025
The God of Sleep
A Brief Guide to the Kunsthistorisches Museum. Edited by Wilfried Seipel. Vol. 4. Masterpieces in the Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Kunsthistorisches Museum.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Black is The Night
Black is the night on the mountains
Snow fall on the rocks.
In the dark, in the wild nature, on the rough stones, the narrows, the klepht hits his sword.
In his right hand holds a thunderbolt.
The mountain is his palace, the sky his covering and the gun his hope.
The tyrants flee scared by his black knife.
With sweat rains his bread, he knows how to live with honor, and how to die.The wiliness runs the world and the unjust fate.
The bad owns the wealth and here on the rocks resides, the hidden virtue.
Origin: March of the Hellenic Army
Poetry by: Alexandros Rizos Ragavis
Theme: Based on the life of Hellenic fighters (Klephtes) of the revolution of 1821.
Photo: The creator of the poetry
Friday, February 14, 2025
The Soul of Chivalry
Thursday, February 13, 2025
The German Advance in Greece
Continuing from the previous post. From the official German propaganda newsreels, broadcasted in April 30 1941. The German advance in Greece. From the northern borders down to Athens.
Again, for decades the propaganda - lies from the so-called allies was that "the enemy is entering into empty towns with the population closed behind their locked houses".
As you'll see, it happened exactly the oppposite!
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Hellas in WW2 - Backstabbed and Sacrificed for the British Intrests
Few days ago an intresting article appered in one of the major news sites of Hellas. Its things that we, National Socialists says for decades now, secrets well-kept by the history as it was written by the victors of 1945. Instead they kept repeating lies such as "we will not say that Greeks fight like heroes, but that heroes fight like Greeks" and crap like that. The truth is that back then, Hellas was backstabbed and sacrificed by its so called "allies" which at the same time they were negotiating with her enemy countries (like Turkey etc).
Here is the full article in english:
Some intresting parts of it:
"Mussolini decided to ask for a ceasefire with the help of the Germans but was blocked by the Foreign Minister and his son-in-law, Ciano. Meanwhile, the Germans, who probably disagreed with the Italian attack on Greece, seeing the tragic position of their allies, attempted to mediate to end the Greco-Italian War, “offering” Greece the territories of Northern Epirus that our Army had occupied."
"The Germans only requested the complete removal of all British forces from Greece. Despite the fact that the German proposal seriously occupied the Greek side, it was not implemented, mainly because the British exerted unbearable pressure on Metaxas to reject it. The death of Metaxas on January 29, 1941, is at least suspicious. In fact, some serious historians and researchers believe that Metaxas was murdered"
"Churchill to Mussolini: “If Italy deemed it appropriate to carry out an operation in Greece, Great Britain would not oppose it”!
"How Churchill hindered the arming of Greece by sending weapons to “neutral” Turkey!"
Youcan read far more details and background of war in the article
Thursday, January 30, 2025
The Music of Romanticism
Last autumn and up untill January 5 of 2025, the Swedish Nationalmuseum held a very intresting exhibition titled "The Romantic Eye"
See more info here:
For this reason the museum also published online some playlist with music of Romanticism. Which you can see and listen here:
If you ignore some conteporary trash (both in music and art) in general their collections were really good and accurate!
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
The Right Hand Salute - A Timeless European Tradition
"Oath of the Horatii"
Jacques-Louis David (1784)
The Story Behind the Artwork
Jacques-Louis David’s "Oath of the Horatii" is a defining masterpiece of Neoclassical art, capturing the moment of heroic commitment to duty and sacrifice. The painting portrays three brothers, the Horatii, solemnly swearing allegiance to their father and their city, vowing to defend Rome against Alba Longa. The powerful narrative juxtaposes the stoic determination of the men with the emotional grief of the women, who foresee the personal toll of this noble act. David's masterpiece became a symbol of patriotism and civic virtue during the tumultuous years leading to the French Revolution.
Symbolism and Details
The Roman Salute:
The outstretched arms of the Horatii are a striking display of the Roman salute, symbolizing unwavering loyalty and submission to the ideals of the Republic. This gesture, with its origins in ancient Roman customs, became a visual shorthand for collective unity, civic responsibility, and the prioritization of the state above personal desires.
SOURCE: Stories Behind Art
Thursday, January 16, 2025
The Aryan Explorer of the Past
Monday, January 13, 2025
Parcifal - The Mystical Final Act of Richard Wagner
13th of January 1882
Richard Wagner completes his final opera "Parsifal"
Parsifal is an opera in three acts composed by Richard Wagner with a libretto by the composer himself. It premiered on July 26, 1882, at the Bayreuth Festspielhaus, the theater Wagner designed specifically for his works. The opera is Wagner’s final completed composition and is often considered one of his most profound and spiritual works.
Story Overview:
The opera is based on medieval legends of the Holy Grail and the Arthurian knight Parsifal (Percival). It explores themes of redemption, compassion, and spiritual enlightenment.
Act 1:
• In the forest near the Grail Castle, the knights of the Holy Grail suffer due to their king Amfortas’s wound, inflicted by his failure to resist the temptress Kundry.
• Parsifal, a young and naive knight, appears, ignorant of his origins and destiny.
• He is brought to the Grail Castle, where the sacred relics are kept, but fails to understand their significance.
Act 2:
• At the castle of Klingsor, a magician who opposes the Grail knights, Kundry attempts to seduce Parsifal.
• Parsifal resists her, realizing the suffering caused by desire and sin.
• He defeats Klingsor and takes the sacred spear, which can heal Amfortas.
Act 3:
• Years later, Parsifal returns to the Grail Castle, now in despair due to Amfortas’s worsening condition.
• Parsifal uses the spear to heal Amfortas and becomes the new guardian of the Holy Grail.
• The opera concludes with a vision of spiritual redemption.
Musical Significance:
“Parsifal” is noted for its profound and meditative music, with themes such as the “Dresden Amen” and the Grail leitmotif woven throughout. Wagner referred to it as a “stage-consecrating festival play” (Bühnenweihfestspiel), reflecting its unique status in his oeuvre.
The work has inspired intense devotion and controversy due to its religious and philosophical content. Its performances were restricted to Bayreuth for many years, honoring Wagner’s wishes.