Monday, September 18, 2023

The Fifth Column of Capitalism - A Lesson From History


Strasser brothers oftenly hailed by pseudo-NS guys of today as the "ultra revolutionaries" and "die-hard anticapitalists". But they were really like this? The reality was far from that. In fact they were the fifth column of capitalism inside the NSDAP. The paid minions of bankers and industrialists so to prevent the true NS forces of revolution of taking the power. Fortunately, the justified action of Night of The Long Knives gave to these traitors what they really deserve. The text that follows shows exactly that.

"In line with his changing ideological perspectives, Strasser was prepared after 1930 to initiate a serious dialogue with industrialists, especially with regard to the mining and chemical industries in the Rhur where Schulz had important contacts. Sympathetic industrialists wanted to be certain that their donations to the NSDAP would be controlled by responsible hands, and August Heinrichsbauer, chief editor of the Rhenisch-Westfalischer Wirtschaftsdienst in Essen and principal link-man of Ruhr industry to the political right who was on friendly terms with Schulz, states that some businessman saw their "responsible" man in Strasser. As a result, received from spring 1931 a monthly subvention of RM10,OOO  from the mining  industry with the specific objective of strengthrning  himself and his "moderate" associates in the part, and of helping them to advance co-operation with the other acceptable right-wing circles. Similarly, Strasser almost certainly received the bulk of the RM180,000 industrialist Otto Wolff paid to the NSDAP during 1932 on the advice of Schleicher, and may also received smaller ammounts from Paul Silverberg and a few other magnates. Strasser's "socialism" was obviously not taken too seriously by these hard-headed businessmen."

Taken from : PETER D.STACHURA "Gregor Strasser and the rise of Nazism"





Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Heraclitus - Cultivation of War and The Higher Type of Man


Chad Crowley

"War is the father of all and the king of all; it proves some people gods, and some people men; it makes some people slaves and some people free."

― Heraclitus, Fragments

Heraclitus (c. 540 BC – c. 480 BC), hailing from the Ionic Greek city of Ephesus and known as the Obscure One, stands as an unparalleled colossus in the annals of ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosophy. His intellectual legacy, deep and vast, has threaded its way through time, influencing the minds of giants from Plato to Nietzsche, and beyond.

Central to his teachings was the notion that the universe is in a state of constant change, where nothing remains still.

For Heraclitus, fire epitomized this fundamental principle. More than a mere element, fire symbolized the cyclical nature of transformation: creation and destruction, birth and death.

He envisioned a cosmos where this fiery dynamism underpinned every process, from the macroscopic revolutions of celestial bodies to the microscopic alterations within organisms.

His doctrine of the unity of opposites suggests that all the seemingly opposing forces of the cosmos are interconnected and interdependent, establishing a cosmic balance.

At the heart of this balance, Heraclitus posited, was the concept of the Logos, a rational principle that guided the universe's ceaseless change. Despite the apparent disorder and chaos, there exists an underlying order, governed by this Logos.

Heraclitus firmly positions war as the cornerstone of his philosophy, symbolizing the unwavering agonal spirit of mankind. In the realm of men, war and conflict shape destinies, while strife among citizens fortifies the vitality of their cities, and, by extension, their nations.

Yet, for Heraclitus, these fierce conflicts, the perpetual agonizing struggle, are not merely destructive climaxes. They serve as the genesis of new beginnings from which new life is forged. Through these tempestuous confrontations, both men and nations ascend. They may bear the scars of battle, yet these very trials of cosmic combat craft equilibrium, harmony, and innate beauty. War doesn't merely play out in the domain of man; it is a reflection of the great cosmic rhythm of the totality of existence.

Heraclitus' unwavering belief in the all-encompassing role of war not only shapes his understanding of the tangible aspects of the world, but also extends to the metaphysical realm.

True masculine virtue isn't found in the mindless brawls of the pub, but in the wholehearted embrace of this cosmic struggle. The most valorous men possess an innate understanding of the world's intricate agonal fabric, allowing them to align their thoughts, words, and actions with its rhythm. Yet, for many, such profound insight remains elusive, their spirits tethered by trepidation and inertia. The discernment of this profound truth is a gift reserved for the higher-type of man.