Monday, November 8, 2021

The Wandering of Knight And Death


We walk stony roads
Toward the great calling.
Our hardened fists grip
The flagpole tighter.

Our wandering has already lasted for years.
Our temples have become gray in the twilight.
In the rhythm of the stride we feel the miraculous strength
Of our blood.

 The sacred yearning of the heart looks toward the north
And hopes for the revelation of light.
Aside from the calling of our courage
We hear nothing

 The call is like a trumpet signal and
God's cloud.

It drives us through chaos and order toward fate.
We are the lost band in the folk,
We bands of the future.
We do not worry about the day of battle

 We do not fear the valley of death.
We stride through the silence of the night
Toward the gateway of fulfillment.
There we lower the assault flags
And inhale the morning air.
In our heart the presentiment congeals into a certainty
That freedom lies behind the gateway.
With our fists we tear down the beams


So that rays of light penetrate the night.
And when the pure sun greets our flags
Our path to eternity is finished.
When our brothers sing freedom songs
Our fate has completed itself.


THE POEM : Kurt Eggers "The Gateway of Freedom"
THE PICS: Ingmar Bergman "The Seventh Seal" (1957)


 The Life of Kurt Eggers
SS-Standarte "Kurt Eggers"
The Seventh Seal

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