Sunday, April 25, 2021

A Prophetic Dream From An Esoteric Visionary


Here is the description of a dream from Miguel Serrano, the Chilean Esoteric visionary. According to the European traditions, oftenly the dreams are messages directly from the Gods, and whats best proof that Serrano's dream was just a glimpse of a bleak and dark future as this dream took place back in 1960's and it shows perfectly the world we live today.


THAT NIGHT IN ZURICH I had a dream. I saw a large white building several storeys high which looked like a university. It was full of students, most of them were studying the exact or applied sciences, engineering or physics. They all seemed to be sing their knowledge to achive tangible results; they were appplying it automatically without a thought to the significance of what they were doing They were untroubled by doubt and had no concern for vital essences. This university of my dream seemed to represent the world of the future. Themen coming out of the class-rooms were hald and metallic, expressing themselves only in the laws of mechanics, and were themselves becoming products of those laws. The last exponents of a world of flesh and blood had departed and, with their concern for a living earth with gods and demons, were considered by this new generation of anti-men as romantic idealists, the product merely of a decayed bourgeois society. Thus my dream seemed to suggest that the archetype of the future-or indeed of the present since that future has already arrived-would be the man of the atom and the machine, preparing himself for the conquest of space in a University building made entirely of concecrete and surrounded by asphalt.

In such a world I would be a total alien, unable to find a single niche from myself. Bu then I realized that people like Hesse and Jung had faced similar difficulties. They had now departed and were now untouched by the mechaniation of the earth and they had achieved other worlds which they had earned through realizing their own beings. I had little time left, but I knew that I myself would now have to make a similar effort so that I would never again return to this earth, but would step to another sphere. This I had to do if I was to save myself from the leaden desert into which the world was being transformed by machines. To escape from that horrible prison, I had to move along the same solitary path that had been followed by my older comrades, those wise men of flesh and blood who were the keepers of my dreams.

Miguel Serrano

Taken from the book "C.G.JUNG AND HERMAN HESSE -  A Record of Two Friendships" 1966



The Miguel Serrano Website




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