Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Aristogenesis - The Exploration of Ancestral Origins



 "Aristogenesis will explore the origins of our Aryan ancestors and follow their course from primeval times up to the dawn of history. We will examine our forefather’s myths and traditions as well as their religiosity and their understanding of the cosmos. We will attempt to shed light on the inner forces and ideas that drove the Aryans into creating the most enlightened cultures throughout history. We will seek our ancestral heritage beyond the monuments, the wars and the well documented paths of history and examine arts, symbols, legends and traditions in order to understand the authentic soul and spirit of our bloodline.

Our goal with the podcast is to introduce our listeners to the primordial wisdom of our ancestors and rekindle their interest to explore and study Aryan philosophy and spirituality as well as to investigate the foundations and peculiarities of our forefather’s psyche. We wish to evoke/raise our ancestral knowledge from the barren fields of academic secularism to a living idea that will help us navigate our perilous times and rediscover our Aryan identity and potentiality.

The opposition we face bears countless masks and disguises as it distorts the Truth and poisons everything Noble. The history of our people is twisted and falsified, our ideals and morals are being reversed and scorned, our myths degraded and mocked, our traditions ossified into inanimate folklore. Ancestral knowledge and spirituality are cast away as anachronistic and irrelevant while our people are becoming enslaved under the bond of spiritual, intellectual and psychological confusion. The link to our people’s primordial psyche is being severed as the voice of our ancestors becomes enigmatic and incomprehensible.

With a mature and willing attityd we shall attempt to gain valuable knowledge when examining our own (and our ancestors) faults and responsibility to why we now find ourselves in this onslaught of opposition. The malicious and malefic intent to devour everything that is Noble i.e. the spirit of our time shall quicken our awakening process as we learn about our ancestral Aryan historical, culture, genetic and psychological primordial wisdom through out time.

Henry Fairfield Osborn, Sr. (August 8, 1857 – November 6, 1935) an American paleontologist and geologist and a believer in orthogenesis (i.e. evolutionary progress of mankind) coined the term aristogenesis.

Osborn held the view that mutations and natural selection play no creative role in evolution but believed that aristogenes (aristocratic genes) operate as biomechanisms in the gene plasma of the organism which creates the novelty of the Aryans.'





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