- DEPARTURE CHANDELIER plays Napoleonean Black Metal inspired by the cruelty of French history and the illuminating powers of death. Their debut demo comes on pro-cassette with pro color cover.
Available from : http://www.t-d-g.net/

- Wotanorden's long awaited 3rd release is now available through Wolftyr Productions, and available for sale through the band.The album consists of 4 new epic tracks that take you on a journey of heathen might and perseverance, along with 3 unreleased tracks from our times of old..
You may purchase from the band directly through here:
www.paypal.com - skaldicforgeproductions@hotmail.com
Pricing: $13.00 U.S.D. Shipping and handling USA: $3.00 U.S.D. World: $6.00 U.S.D.
You can also purchase the CD at:

- SPEAR OF LONGINUS "The Yoga of National Socialism" CD
CD version of the cult album! Limited to 888 copies.
Available from: http://www.ironcladrecords.com/

- STORMHEIT (FIN) - Syksy sieluni yossa 7"EP
Pure finnish pride! With their earlier works heavily influenced by "viking era" Bathory, this little piece of vinyl among with their new Chronicon Finlandiae album shows them progressing to more finnish sound. Two exclusive songs in 15 minutes, limited to 300 copies on black vinyl only! 7 e / 8 usd + postage
Available from:

- PEOPLE HATERS "Bling Bling" CD
18 new songs, even better than the old recordings. 13 bucks in USA, 15 bucks rest of the world, paypal address strongsurvive_usa@hotmail.com.
No trades or wholesales on the first pressing.
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