Yes, we did not expect the judeo-dominated hollywood to teach us history and mythology and most of us in most of the times choose to ingore such kind of films. But what about the new generations of white kids who will grow up thinking that a characteristic European god was a negro? There must be a reaction to such plans and in a place that hurts them the most, their wallets. Though i had not see similar reactions and sensitivity from the same group of people in various desecrations of Hellenic history through the years. Anyone remember "Alexander"? Needless to say that such boycotts have my full support! Though, i really hope that we, the people of European descent have to react in every attempt of twisting our History, Culture and Identity.
Below is the news about this boycott:
"A US white supremacist group has called for a boycott of the Kenneth Branagh-directed superhero movie Thor on the grounds that a black actor has been cast in the role of a Norse god.
The Council of Conservative Citizens is upset that London-born Idris Elba, star of The Wire and BBC detective series Luther as well as a number of Hollywood films, is to play deity Heimdall in the Marvel Studios feature. The group, which opposes inter-racial marriage and gay rights, has set up a website, boycott-thor.com to set out its opposition to what it sees as an example of leftwing social engineering.
"It [is] well known that Marvel is a company that advocates for leftwing ideologies and causes," the site reads. "Marvel frontman Stan 'Lee' Lieber boasts of being a major financier of leftwing political candidates. Marvel has viciously attacked the Tea Party movement, conservatives and European heritage.
"Now they have taken it one further, casting a black man as a Norse deity in their new movie Thor. Marvel has now inserted social engineering into European mythology."
The site chooses to ignore its target's thespian talents, referring to "hip-hop DJ Elba" in apparent reference to the actor's career in East End nightclubs more than a decade ago. Elba himself addressed the casting issue earlier this year, pointing out that "Thor has a hammer that flies to him when he clicks his fingers". He continued: "That's OK, but the colour of my skin is wrong?"
Branagh's decision to cast non-white actors as citizens of Asgard stands in apparent opposition to a one-time policy on Peter Jackson's forthcoming Lord of the Rings prequel, The Hobbit. A British woman of Pakistani origin complained last month that she had been turned away from a casting session for being "too brown". The offending crew member, an independent contractor, was later sacked.
Thor, starring the Anglo-Saxon-looking Chris Hemsworth in the title role, and Jewish actor Natalie Portman as his love interest is due to arrive in cinemas next May."
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