Official ARYAN BLOOD T-shirt

PANTHEON OF BLOOD "Pantheon of Blood" Tape
The essential standpoints of Pantheon of Blood are based upon the idea of realization of that, which is hidden within our blood; making a living contact for those archetypes, which were so real to our ancestors as well.
This tape contains two tracks of Traditional Finnish Black Metal fusing the very ideas of national-romanticism & occultic approach concerning the subjects in hand. A split release between SAP and Breath of Pestilence.
Breath of Pestilence: bop@kymp.net
Saturnian Mist: saturnianproductions@hotmail.com

DISIPLIN "Radikale Randgruppe"
Two new tracks from Disiplin´s upcoming album: "Radikale Randgruppe", are uploaded to Disiplin´s myspace site: http://www.myspace.com/wolfaxis

Radiating outwards from the Black Sun - energies of VRIL. Flood the World with Energies that fuel our Kind, and may it wash the world of Filth, so it may once again Rise!
Dark and Disturbing!
Pulsating and Hypnotizing!
You download it here : http://weltenfeind.blogspot.com/2010/09/weltenfeind-vril.html

WIR SIND THULE Arbeit Macht Frei CD
The Pagan Flame Burns, Eternal
Wir Sind Thule
Blood Flag
As Snow Falls, Upon Mass Graves
Death March
Germany Lives
7 war songs inspired by the enigma and mysticism of the Third Reich
National Socialist Black Metal
CD €10 plus postage
Available from WAR DOCTRINE: http://www.wardoctrine.com
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