By Robert Furtkamp
“We are always convinced that the modern world is a reasonable world, basing our opinion on economic, political, and psychological factors. But if we may forget for a moment that we are living in the year of Our Lord 1936, and, laying aside our well-meaning, all-too-human reasonableness, may burden God or the gods with the responsibility for contemporary events instead of man, we would find Wotan quite suitable as a casual hypothesis.” – Carl Gustav Jung, “Essay on Wotan“
The European experiment of the post-war era has failed. The jackals are well within the gates, not just at the door, invited in by the guilt-laden subjugated victims of the partitioning of the German dream, the castration of entire peoples by the treaties of 1918 and 1945, and the vicious division of the world by the ostensible victors of those conflicts. The once-proud traditions of a thousand years are cast aside for the edicts of overlords who have seized utter control.
It was not just the physical residents of that glorious continent that were overcome by the great failures of 1939, but the nations upon the earth peopled by the descendants of Europe who never forgot their heritage, their pride, their connection to that blood. The victories ostensibly “won” by the Allies have turned to dust in their mouths, as the same overlords that sought to destroy the bounty of Europe did not let the fruits of its children anywhere on the earth free from their corruption and infiltration.
And the seeds for this silent takeover, the dismantling of the glories of thousands of years, were planted by one simple method: the creation of “universalist” religions, in which the gods of a people were thrown aside by hook, crook, pressure, intermarriage, and indoctrination.
Yet that which is eternal, true, and tied to our blood, our culture, our heritage, is never silent long.
And as noted by Jung, Wotan was stirred by the abasement of his people, the stirrings of waking set in motion even if not completed. And as Europe’s children are threatened today evermore, its fruit not merely plundered but irrevocably destroyed by the invaders, this waking has resumed and accelerated.
Our way forward is back, and that begins with a spiritual renaissance that is apparent on the fringes of our culture now. Popular culture remembers the gods, even if it is debased. Worship of the old ways, best as can be remembered for now, resumes and is reconstructed and re-found. His adherents climb mountains, gather to share gifts, and strengthen what is coming.
Our way forward will not be in modern atheism, nor universalist religions. It will take the combined awakening of the blood to find that way again – for what we have lost is much, the damage great – but our volk are builders, creators, restorers. It begins with a spiritual component. Our spiritual component, free of the shackles of the desert plagues that have enslaved spirits for so long.
Rise up and be free. Rise up and worship. Rise up and listen to the call of that blood. Ragnarok awaits, and our time is at hand.
For much shall be destroyed, but our volk will survive, prosper, and take their rightful place amongst the stars.
That which comes, the political component thereof, will be based on that blood, soil, and heritage. The spirit of Wotan, of the ghosts of the last century, guides even as the gods stir within us. Even as the world-soul re-asserts its dominion. There is no political solution without a religious component, one based in the religion of our ancestors and of our blood, of our heritage.There is no government of our volk that is possible without a common bond, no common interest without that bond of blood.
Taken from: The Revolutionary Conservative