Monday, September 30, 2024

Musica Medievale


The best, and problably only, YouTube Channel about Medieval Music


Musick of The Mediaeval and Renaissance

Life in the Middle Ages

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Iliade's Call to Action


"Europe stands on the edge of the abyss: demographically overwhelmed and pathetically surrendered to those who wish to erase its history and culture. At this critical juncture, young Europeans are rising by joining the Iliade Institute. What is their worldview? What actions do they advocate? This manifesto is both a doctrinal summary and a practical handbook for a general audience. Everybody can join the fight to preserve our identity and civilisation. It is up to each individual to stay true to the duties towards his own. Deeds follow words."

"Let us stop seeing our age as one of slow decline and any upturn as a mere respite in our civilisation’s race towards death. What we are experiencing is a time of transition that is for us to make fruitful. It is an interregnum, a period of incubating new forms that will revitalise our ancestral heritage."

— Guardians of Heritage: The Iliade Institute’s Call to Action

Book Available from:

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

LSSAH in Action!


High quality frontline footage from the legendary Leibstandarte SS ADOLF HITLER in action. Covering three campaigns with over of 10.000 km

With eng subs.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Spirit of Hernando Cortes


"He was a knight-errant, in the literal sense of the word. Of all the band of adventurous cavaliers whom Spain, in the sixteenth century, sent forth on the career of discovery and conquest, there was none more deeply filled with the spirit of romantic enterprise than Hernando Cortés."

William H. Prescott - History of the Conquest of Mexico 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Hellenic Mythical References to the Music of DEAD CAN DANCE


Some of the references to the myths of the Hellenic antiquity to the music of this legendary band

"Persephone (The Gathering of Flowers)" taken from : Within the Realm of a Dying Sun (1993)

"The Garden of Zephirus" taken from : Aion (1990)

"Ariadne" taken from : Into The Labyrinth (1993)

Monday, August 19, 2024

Adieu Chevalier

There is no solitude greater than that of the samurai unless it be that of a tiger in the jungle... perhaps...

Book of Bushido

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Words of Fire


9th of August BC, Pharsalus Hellas

GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR pre-battle speech to:

the VI legion (later called Ferrata) veterans of his Gallic Wars

the VII legion (later called Claudia Pia Fidelis) veterans of his Gallic Wars

the VIII legion (later called Augusta) veterans of his Gallic Wars

the IX legion (later called Hispania) veterans of his Gallic Wars

the X legion (Equestris, later called Gemina) veterans of his Gallic Wars

the XI legion (later called Paterna and Claudia Pia Fidelis, the same title as the seventh) veterans of his Gallic Wars

the XII legion (later called Fulminata) veterans of his Gallic Wars

the XIII legion (later also called Gemina, the 'twin' to the tenth) veterans of his Gallic Wars

"My friends, we have already overcome our most formidable enemies, and are now about to encounter not hunger and want, but men. This day will decide everything. Remember what you promised me at Dyrrhachium. Remember how you swore to each other in my presence that you would never leave the field except as conquerors. 

These men, fellow soldiers, are the same that we met at the Pillars of Hercules, the same that we drove out of Italy. They are the same who sought to disband us without honours, without a triumph, without rewards, after the toils and struggles of ten years, after we had finished those great wars, after innumerable victories, and after we had added 400 nations in Spain, Gaul, and Britain to our country's sway. 

I have not been able to prevail upon them by offering fair terms, nor to win them by benefits. You know that I dismissed them unharmed, hoping that we should obtain justice from them. Recall all these facts to your minds to-day, and if you have had any experience of mere call also my care for you, my good faith, and the generosity of my gifts to you. Nor is it difficult for hardy and veteran soldiers to overcome new recruits who are without experience in war, and who, moreover, like boys, spurn the rules of discipline and of obedience to their commander. 

I learned that he [Pompey] was afraid and unwilling to come to an engagement. His star has already passed its zenith; he has become slow and hesitating in all his acts, and no longer commands, but obeys the orders of others. I say these things of his Italian forces only. As for his allies, do not think about them, pay no attention to them, do not fight with them at all. They are Syrian, Phrygian, and Lydian slaves, always ready for flight or servitude. I know very well, and you will presently see, that Pompey himself will not assign them any place in his line of battle. Give your attention to the Italians only, even though these allies are running around you like dogs trying to frighten you. When you have put the enemy to flight let us spare the Italians as being our own kindred, but slaughter the allies in order to strike terror into the others. 

Before all else, in order that I might know that you are mindful of your promise to choose victory or death, throw down the walls of your camp as you go out to battle and fill up the ditch,so that we may have no place of refuge if we do not conquer, and so that the enemy may see that we have no camp and know that we are compelled to occupy theirs."