Wednesday, November 18, 2009

New BURZUM album "Det Hvite Guden" coming in Spring 2010

New album announced today through the official Burzum website. Since its Varg decision to not reproduce his articles on anywhere else except his website, you can see the news directly here :

What else to add from my side? The man said everything within few lines and myself can`t agree more.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Through Mainalon to Olympia! Part I Ancient Olympia

Early winter days in Hellas. Whats better than to take a trip away from the modern urban jungle and baptized in the light of the Sacred ancestral temples, mountains and forests. Few days ago i finally decided that now is the proper time to visit Olympia. I was planing this trip since months now as i had to go there since the school days. But before that, instead of taking the main highway we took another road through Mountain Mainalon.The weather was perfect to pass Mainalon as in few weeks this will be impossible because of the snow that blocking the paths. Arrived at late noon in Olympia. One of the most sacred places in Hellas and in European History and Culture. Before take a walk around the place i visited first the Archaeological Museum of Olympia. Amongst its rare items one can also see the helmet of Hero of the Persian Wars and one of the most important personalities in the European history named General Miltiades. He offered it himself to the temple after the wars.
As usual , below you can see few photos from mountain Mainalon, Olympia and the Archaelogical museum(Including a photo of Miltiade`s helmet).

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ave Roma! Part I

Ave Roma!

Roma is a place that used to be the capital of the world for centuries. Together with Athens belongs to one of the pillars of the European Civilization.
Last week i had the chance to visit Rome for vacations and see with my own eyes what are really those things that world speak for hundreds of years now.
Here i upload few photos but as you may understand this is about the 10% of i actually saw there. Its just a sample for all of you who had not the luck yet to visit this great city.

Photos by N.G. & I.G.

Scroll down to the three next posts that follow for more photos.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Jürgen Rieger 11 May 1946 - 29 October 2009

"Jürgen Rieger, one of the most prolific German Nationalists after 1945, has died on 29th of October, 2009.
Aside from his ceaseless struggle for the liberation of Germany from the alien yoke, Jürgen Rieger was an avowed Heathen who supported the revitalization of Nordic Paganism.
Furthermore, he championed the fraternity of Aryan peoples regardless of their respective Nationality. A great man and fighter has gone from our midst, but he will not be forgotten!"


"Deyr fé,
deyja frændr,
deyr sjálfr et sama;
ek veit einn,
at aldri deyr:
dómr of dauðan hvern" (Hávamál)

What about Artgemeinschaft and God? By Jürgen Rieger
Honouring our Ancestors By Jürgen Rieger